

主辦單位:DEZACT (英國)

執行單位:DEZACT (英國)
贊助單位:瑞寶網通股份有限公司 | Rhinoceros | 摩托車雜誌 | 九月咖啡 | Domus Visual ltd. |

媒體協助 : 準建築人手札 / 欣建築 / Archifield / Archicake / ta台灣建築雜誌

活動時間 : 2014/7/18 (星期六) – 7/29 (星期三)



請至活動網站 ( 中文 ) 
或 E-mail 至 info@dezact.org 洽詢




The Encode Intelligence Workshop is part of the EXTRA FABRICA event focusing on parametric design technique training. It will be held across two weekends, specifically designed for the full workshop attendees to be well-equipped for the upcoming design studio works and prototyping. We also welcome Students and professionals who wish to advance their Grasshoper technique to join us. The course covers intermediate – advanced level of the parametric design logic and It will be conducted by providing a series of solid examples to allow students implimenting the logic into design processes.

此參數化設計假日課程為Extra Fabrica國際數位工作營的一部份,課程內容主要針對12天全程工作營的所需具備的技術能力及希望精進此技術的學生或專業者而設計,課程安排將橫跨7/18-19及25-26兩個周末,共32小時的高密度訓練;內容將包含複雜幾何建置、模型優化、時序模型生成、物理環境模擬、數位製造模型準備、程序演算生成及GH Python程式撰寫等。

課程指導老師將為英國建築聯盟學院(AA School of Architecture) 數位製造實驗室常任工作營數位技術指導老師進行教學。 



Parametric design is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables the expression of parameters and rules that, together, define, encode and clarify the relationship between design intent and design response.  'Parametric' originates from mathematics and refers to the use of certain parameters or variables that can be edited to manipulate or alter the end result of an equation or system. Parametric modeling systems can be divided into two main types of systems:

a. Propagation based systems where you compute from known to unknowns with a dataflow model.

b. Constraint systems which solve sets of continuous and discrete constraints.



軟體需求 :

Rhino 5.0 / Grasshopper / Kangaroo 2.0 / Ladybug / Anemone / Mesh+ / Weaverbird / Boid /  Paneling Tools /Fab Tools




07/18 Adaptive Skin

1. Parametric Design Introduction
2. Associative Modeling
3. Data Structure
4. Data Grid Manipulation
5 Proximity Based Modeling
6. Mathematic Expression
7. Geometric Typology
8. Envelop Construction
9. Penalization
10. Data Retrieval and Replacement

07/19 Complex Form Generation & Fabrication

1. Geometric Deformation Methods 
2. Mesh Topological Analysis
3. Force Based Modeling – Kangaroo
4. Mesh Deformations
5. Flat Surface Mesh Planarization
6. Mesh Tessellation and Subdivision
7. Encode Environmental Data
8. Mesh Model for 3D Printing
9. Fabrication Methods

07/25 Intelligent Agent

1. Iterative Modeling
2. Time Based Generative Method
3. Particles Growth System
4. Particle Trajectories and Target Seeking
5. Generative Algorithm – Galapagos
6. Vector Field Operation  
7. Advanced Data Structure

07/26 GH Python

1. Basics
2. Function
3. Terrain Generation
4. Recursive Branching  System 
5. Encode Material
6. Object-Oriented Programming 
7. Modular Connectivity

* 課程內容會將會視同學學習狀況而作些許調整



假日 4 天 ( 數位課程 + 演講 ) 

早鳥方案 12,000 NTD  早鳥方案 5/1 – 6/1

一般方案 16,000 NTD  一般方案 6/2 – 6/18

 * 報名截止日期為6月18日

實踐大學 / 台北市中山區大直街70號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2015/05/09 00:00(+0800) ~ 2015/06/30 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料

20 参加者